Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Diversity Issues in Workforce

Diversity Issues in Workforce Teams

Take a step back from the challenge of workplace diversity management and the diversity issues in workforce teams. As you take a helicopter view of the challenges it can be seen that most of the challenges come from attitudes, miscommunication and misguided perceptions of diverse workplace teams.

Take for example the cultural diversity issues in workforce teams, or religious issues in workforce groups.

Most people have no experience, knowledge or understanding of the "other side." The little that they "know" has often been designed by bigots, mixed with prejudice and sadly cemented with prejudice.

Challenges, emanating from the diversity issues in workforce teams, will come to an end when individuals respect themselves, and respect others as human beings first.

One way to facilitate this is to bring in Workplace Diversity Specialists, such as the Celebrating Humanity team from Mthimkhulu International.

Another way is to follow the guidelines in the Transform your Workplace ebook.

At the level of respect all people are equal

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